Wednesday, June 22, 2005

A little bit Paranormal

Okay- so I keep referring to my current WIP as "A little bit paranormal". Is that like saying a little bit pregnant? I think so! I guess because there are no aliens (well maybe some), no vampires (well, I wouldn't rule them out), no ghosts (wait- no... got those), time travel (definite poss.), realm travel (yeah), can a role playing game become real (sure)... then yeah, looks like it is a paranormal. Without giving away too much- let's just say that if Fantasy Island was a paranormal than so is this. I guess because most of the actual book takes place in the grounded world, I think of it as not being all that paranormal- but the premise is 100% paranormal, and if you pee on the stick it will be blue, or have a plus, or get the idea.

Okay, so nevermind that six months ago I didn't even glance at the paranormal section of the book store (Gena Showalter opened my eyes to a whole new world of books! She rocks! and her heros are yummy!!! Go. Buy. Now!), and that when asked if I ever considered writing it the answer was a quick "No" with a soon to follow more contemplative, "All the authors doing that sort of thing are too good at it, I could never compete." This stemming from the recent realization that Vampires can't poop (who knew? - the friggin' paranormal authors, that's who!). So, I dismissed it, thinking- if I even tried I'd trip over some crazy vampire lore or mythological fact that would pretty much mark my work as a complete fraud. I live in fear of readers pelting me with rotten tomatoes.

Then, then!!! I got an idea. Ooohhhh.... I just love that tingly sensation when the right side of the brain is humming along creating its new little world and left side is saying "yes! yes! yes! I get it!" Usually my left side poo-poo's and bah-hum-bug's things, says "Yeah, but...", "What your forgetting is..." and "That sucks." (Keep in mind I don't have a husband to say these things for me.)

SO, anyhoo... I am rocking with my idea- it was born on May 20th (I remember, because I was in a software training session for work and should have been paying attention to that). I now have 250 pages roughed in (Synopsis and proposal roughed as well- more to come on my feelings about synopsises {sp?}) *see proof of how amateurish I am- I don't know how to plural-ify synopsis*

So what genre is it you ask?

It's a YA (2/3rds of it is at least) and I suppose you could call it an Inspirational, too- if you get over some of the language and activities and the fact that it doesn't discuss religion, chic lit (sorta), time travel (could be), there's a little suspense, pinch of mystery... but mostly it is a little bit Paranormal.


Blogger Gena Showalter said...

LOL! Fabulous post. I love the sound of your book already. (I don't know how to spell the plural form of synopsis, either)

1:30 PM  
Blogger wilddunz said...

Hi Gena!! Thanks for stopping by- You weren't googling yourself again, were you?

Missed you again at the OKRWA meeting- we didn't have time to pop up to the booksigning- one day we'll meet! Until then- more pics of Josh Wald- love a man who wear's his heart on his ass (sleeves are so yesterday!!)

2:29 PM  

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