Friday, June 24, 2005

This can't be right...can it?

Okay, so I realize that my new work is a young adult... what I didn't realize is that I'm not. Let's go to the back story to get a better idea of how this could happen:

See, I got into writing because there was no math, which is a huge fallacy- just try to have a discussion on page count and formatting- lots of math!- anyhow... I have also learned that my plotting style is commonly referred to as a "Pantser" - now back in my day (ahem, proof that I'm not a YA- I had my day... and it was "back") a pantser was someone who would sneak behind you and yank down your drawers at the most embarrassing moment possible. In writingland a pantser is someone who doesn't do a lot of plotting and just writes as things come into their head or by the seat of their pants (I'm going to spare you my pithy jokes about posteriors, since I'm an adult and all. Ack). The other option is a "Plotter" - you can tell these folks by their bulk index card orders. Their heroines have never yelled at them about getting painted into a corner and left for two months because the muse went on strike and negotiations to get it back got bloody, nooo.... So, while I will always fall a little on the pantser side, I see the need for the order and disciplined writing that being a plotter can provide- and thus I bought my first set of index cards (the shrink wrap is still on them, btw, just keeping it real). I also decided I should do a character profile- again, not something I had ever bothered with because my characters are my friends- they come to me as people- they're real dammit! But, OK I figured I'd give it a try.

Big Mistake- When determining my main character's birthday the world came to an abrupt dog-flying-into-the-front seat stop. See, she was born the very same year that I graduated high school. YIKES!!!! Can that be true? I re-did the math, even using a calculator. Sheesh! What the hell happened?


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