Query Vindication!
My very first rejection was a form reject. I’ve only gotten two. (I haven’t queried widely, so put the rotten tomatoes down). This first one did sting. The second one didn’t because I knew what I did wrong the second I hit send. So the 2nd one doesn’t even count in my book.
I only queried 3 people on the first round (1 reject, 1 LOVE IT-want exclusive, 1 send partial-but was during exclusive). The one who loved it was my top choice at the time and she was very, very enthusiastic and wanted exclusives and it just got extended and extended, and then there were revisions. And well, I did the revisions and then it somehow got passed off to another agent at the agency and sat there forever. Then I hastily sent off a e-query to the guy who handed me reject #2. And then I reworked the novel.
The reworking was inspired by the killer query letter I wrote in which I looked at the query and said- now there’s a story! And then went back and revised my novel to match my query. LOL. It worked!
So out went the new round of queries. And the response has been wonderful. No hard/form rejects! Only one true reject, but it was personal and had recommendations. She actually recommended the agent who first rejected me. So I thought, hey, why not? My query letter is soooo much better.
So I did it.
And she asked for a partial! Ha! I was so elated that I’d cancelled out her previous reject! And then, she asked for a full! I don’t know why her asking for a full is so much more exciting than any of the others (right now I have fulls with everyone I’ve queried, except for the one personal reject- wait, that's wrong- I also have a query w/partial that has been on a desk at Writers House for 4 months- keep forgetting about it).
But it is. I feel soooooo vindicated! I may even re-send one to the other agent who form rejected me. But I’m pretty sure he’s a putz.
I only queried 3 people on the first round (1 reject, 1 LOVE IT-want exclusive, 1 send partial-but was during exclusive). The one who loved it was my top choice at the time and she was very, very enthusiastic and wanted exclusives and it just got extended and extended, and then there were revisions. And well, I did the revisions and then it somehow got passed off to another agent at the agency and sat there forever. Then I hastily sent off a e-query to the guy who handed me reject #2. And then I reworked the novel.
The reworking was inspired by the killer query letter I wrote in which I looked at the query and said- now there’s a story! And then went back and revised my novel to match my query. LOL. It worked!
So out went the new round of queries. And the response has been wonderful. No hard/form rejects! Only one true reject, but it was personal and had recommendations. She actually recommended the agent who first rejected me. So I thought, hey, why not? My query letter is soooo much better.
So I did it.
And she asked for a partial! Ha! I was so elated that I’d cancelled out her previous reject! And then, she asked for a full! I don’t know why her asking for a full is so much more exciting than any of the others (right now I have fulls with everyone I’ve queried, except for the one personal reject- wait, that's wrong- I also have a query w/partial that has been on a desk at Writers House for 4 months- keep forgetting about it).
But it is. I feel soooooo vindicated! I may even re-send one to the other agent who form rejected me. But I’m pretty sure he’s a putz.
My comments keep taking off! Grr. It has to do with the new blogger vs. old one.
Anyway, sounds like you're moving along strong!
Thanks, Rinda! I hope so. I forgot, there was another reject--a personal one and had to do with that agents taste in light v dark subject matter. So naturally I didn't take that too hard.
The worst part isn't getting rejected, it is the waiting. Sing it with me-- The way-ay-ting is the hardest part....
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