Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Fly-by Updates...

I am up to chapter ten on my revisons. Not saying a whole lot... only tacked in one small scene, But that scene now sets up the rest of the book better... and gave it a title change. So it was a big change.

Chapter ten also needs a little add-on scene... it will also set up a sub plot, but it is part of the "party" scene and I really scrimped on it the first time. I think YA readers like to read about parties and such, so I'm going to do better on it.

In other news I am doing my taxes and if I'm correct I'll be getting a juicy refund. Yea! It was kind of nerve wrecking as I had to do the income first, which had that little "You Owe" amount growing and growing... but since I bought my house and pay ridiculous amounts of interest and taxes, I am now getting a nice refund. But I'd like to point out that while it didn't significantly alter things- I don't see why I have to include my state tax refund from last year as income... that is just rude.


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