Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Revision H-E-Double Hockey Sticks

Oh, it isn't really hell... I am up to 75,000 words + on the new version. I'm told to keep it close to 80K. Um... don't know about that... I'm thinking more like 85K if I'm good.

A crit partner and I shared our "agent" critiques. And it begs the question-what do you normally get? (I put agent in quotes because mine was from a prospective and hers is her actual agent)

Mine was a few pages- broad scoped paragraphs. No real line edits or anything too specific. And I thought it really focused on the soft spots well. And I knew some of them existed (I had just pulled out the whole paranormal premise and two main characters were completely without justification for their behavior and the ending was completely changed and the ink dripping).

Hers were short and sweet. A couple specific places noted. A sub plot TBR as in To Be Removed.

Mine started positive, had some positive thrown in the middle, and ended positive.

Hers were only the problems. No indication of where the story was really working.

SO-- does the type of revisions one gets depend on the agent, the part of the process, the needs of the work? All of the above? The reason I ask- I think it would make a big difference to me if I had a good handle on the type of revision requests I could expect. I liked the revisions I received, but I don't think I would have liked the ones my CP did even though hers weren't as extensive(And she may not have given me complete disclosure).


Blogger Rachel Vincent said...

The revisions my agent requested were very short and sweet. They came in the margins of an electronic copy of the manuscript. Notes like, "Ha!" or "Wasn't her shirt green a minute ago?" I can't remember any of the actual lines, but they were like that.

There were a few compliments, a few places where she pointed out minor inconsistencies (which none of my other readers had ever caught) and a request for an elaboration on an important scene. And she asked for more punch on the closing line.

I had the revisions ready for her in less than 24 hours. That's how minor they were.

Does that help? I hope so, but it'll be different with each agent, and with each book.

8:11 AM  

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